Why You Need An Online Business

Get Ahead in Life

If you want to live paycheck to paycheck for the rest of your life, then ignore this post. If you want to work under a boss you hate for the rest of your life, then ignore this post. If you want to rely on a single source of income and make less money, then ignore this post. However, if you have any desire to get ahead in this life, then this is the post for you.

Do you need a business to succeed in life? Most people will; at least as a side gig that generates a minimum $500 per month in profit. Let’s face it. Prices are shooting up. Inflation is flying farther and farther up the sky. If you work at a low-level job and continue to work at said job, you will plummet deeper and deeper down the ocean. If you have a high-paying job, then you will not be able to properly enjoy the fruits of your labor in the future.

Use Your Skills

How does creating an business solve this problem? If you have a marketable skill and create a business using said skill, then you can charge customers for your services. You simply need to create a portfolio of your work and attract potential clients. You can get your first client by sending them a message. For example, let’s say you’re a fantastic web designer and you know someone who needs a website. All you have to do is show your first client the cool designs you created for free. If your skill is legitimate, then any reasonable client will trust you. You may have a friend or family member that could benefit from your services. If not, you can find potential clients on a social media platform like LinkedIn or Facebook.

Loads of people are under the illusion that a business needs to be a prestigious Fortune 500 corporation like Bank of America or Apple. They believe that businesses “just exist” as if they popped out of nowhere. This is not the case. Remember that ma-and-pa shops are also businesses. Even Wikipedia will tell you that a business is simply any activity entered into for profit. Those small children in your neighborhood who sell candy or lemonade are running businesses.

Before elaborating on the benefits of owning your own business, it’s best that the myth of the “evil business man” be dispelled. Some businesses participate in shady practices. Most don’t. Owning a business does not make you a bad person. Being rich also does not automatically make you a demon. Money is merely a medium of exchange. That’s it. Humans used to trade livestock and materials. That became inconvenient as civilization advanced. The more valuable you are to the economy, the more money you can earn.

Understand Money

This brings up the next point. If you are an employee and perform proficiently at your job, then you are not being paid what you are worth. Your work could be generating over $1,000,000 per year for your employer, yet you’re seeing only $5,000 on your monthly paycheck. You might think this is “unfair.” But remember, you work for them. That’s the company’s money. When you get a job you make an agreement on your salary. Your employer must pay you that salary. The rest of the money can be spent as the company pleases. If this reality makes you angry, then I suggest you leave the company and start your own business.

There is an aspect of business that the average person does not grasp. Money is simply an agreement between the business owner and client. This means that you can charge as much money as you want for your services. If the client agrees to pay, then the price is justified. This is basic economics. With enough previous clients verifying your performance, your new clients will have no problem forking over the most lovely green paper in America.

The Advantage of WiFi Money

Does your business need to be online? No. It can be a brick-and-mortar business. The same principles outlined above will still apply. That said, let’s not forget the numerous businesses that were shut down during the lock downs initiated in March of 2020. The overwhelming majority of said businesses were location-based establishments. In case another lock down takes place, it’s best to operate online. If a lock down happened once, it may very well happen sometime in the future.

An advantage to operating an online business is the comparatively little overhead costs. Much of the revenue generated from a brick-and-mortar business goes into basic maintenance. Think about that McDonald’s franchise close to where you live. It generates revenue by charging customers for its food. A portion of that money goes to maintaining the building, AC units, kitchen, and bathroom. A portion goes to paying the cashier, chefs, janitor, manager, and other employees. When all that is done, the owner of that particular McDonald’s franchise near your neighborhood likely earns less than a quarter million dollars per year before taxes.

Print Money with a Website

Can a website be used to help you attract clients? Yes, it can. Many people have websites for their businesses. This is nothing new. You can create your own website using WordPress. WordPress is a content management system that helps website owners manage their site. To use WordPress, you need web hosting. Web hosting allows a site to exist on the internet. One company that provides hosting is HostGator. HostGator has thousands of satisfied customers, myself included.