Make Your Website Pretty with Divi

The History of Websites

If you were born sometime before the year 2000, chances are, you remember what websites used to look like. Everyday, you saw lots and lots of gray, enough to make a cemetery appear like a fountain of life. Plus, you would see plenty of pixels. Ugly blotches of blocks would be used for many games online. As a result, a large crop of characters may as well have been static stick figures. Those were the days indeed, when large cubes called computers were cumbersome.

Thankfully, as technology advanced, so did the appearance of websites. In the 1990s, CSS came into the picture, making it much easier for pages to be designed. This spelled the end for many ghoulishly gray websites. The angry Grim Reaper had finally decided enough was enough. Due to his wrath, the skeleton sliced the sites from existence, night after night, putting them in the cemetery where they belonged. Succeeding the introduction of CSS, websites started to look more colorful, capturing the eyes of users. Vibrant colors vitalized computer screens across the big blue sphere known as Earth.

CSS Not Good Enough

In addition to bringing a website to life with colors, CSS is also responsible for styling other aspects of a website. It can set the font and font size, clean up lists, position page sections, and perform more tasks. This is neat, you might be thinking. So this is the conclusion of website creation. But it’s not. The story has not concluded.

Then, you ask, “What could possibly be the problem?” The problem is this: a small number of people could build a website. Decades ago, only programmers could make a website. You needed to know HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to construct a website. Creating a website was a hellish process of manipulating complex hieroglyphics, symbols that the common man has trouble interpreting. Try identifying the plot of a Spanish novel. Your head will spin more swiftly than hips during a salsa dance.

Content Management Systems Appear

However, once content management systems (CMS) came into the picture, everything changed. You were no longer required to possess esoteric knowledge to build your own website. Now, laymen could lay on their beds and publish to their heart’s content. They could post about their experiences, hobbies, passions, and life. The days of needing a programmer merely to build a website had gone to the cemetery (albeit, programmers are still needed today).

Today, one of the most popular, if not the most popular, CMS is WordPress. WordPress is an open-source platform. This allows users to create their own customizations and select only the features they want for their websites. Like practically all software, WordPress needs to be maintained, debugged, and upgraded to stay viable for its users. Periodically, new features are added to WordPress.

Divi Theme

One such feature is Divi, which was created by a company named Elegant Themes. Divi is a WordPress theme that enables users to replace the rudimentary WordPress text editor. It can be used by both novice and professional designers alike. The feature comes with colorful, stylish pre-made templates, yet also allows users to build their site from the bottom up. This flexibility has attracted flocks of customers. Once you get the hang of Divi, creating websites will be easier. I can verify this fact. The pages of this website were built using Divi. Millions of users are pleased with this theme. Be the next customer to buy this product, and create your own elegant theme.

Get Divi today. If you get Divi through this link, I will receive a small commission, but you will pay no extra money for the feature.

Have a nice day!