How FitBit Changed a Star’s Life

Vibrant Health

There once was a sturdy star that would twinkle about on a university campus. The star was vibrant. The star was named Salomon. Years prior, as the galaxy dust came down from the heavens and incarnated to become a human, Salomon’s parents were thrilled to become parents of a brand new blazing baby. Salomon was everything a set of parents could ask for. He possessed the athletic aptitude of Achilles, the wisdom of a wizard, the charisma of Carnegie, and the intelligence of Issac Newton. What more could a parent want in a child? No parent wants the opposite. That’s for sure.

Throughout the course of his young life, Salomon accumulated many accomplishments. He won a spelling bee in grade school, won the national chess tournament while in middle school, and became captain of the football team in high school. He got along well with just about everyone. The only people who hated him were those who were envious of him. Everyone else who was graced with the presence of the celestial body glittered with glee. Off the star went, from person to person, activity to activity, place to place, leaving a blinding white trail of inspiration.

At his high school graduation ceremony, Salomon gave his valedictorian speech. The star, speaking eloquently, provided the audience with a pristine presentation. After Salomon finished his speech, the listeners applauded audibly enough to be heard miles away.

During his years as an Ivy League university student, Salomon played football, just like he had in high school. Still retaining his excellence exuberance, the star made friends just as swimmingly as he had in his days as a K-12 student. He received high marks in all of his classes. As a senior, Salomon was the captain of the football team. His athleticism was unquestionable.

Health Decline

However, one day, while going on a walk, Salomon was hit by a drunk driver. Luckily, Salomon survived, but his legs were severely injured. He had to use a wheelchair to move himself. Due to being in a wheelchair, Salomon was cut off from the football team. He needed to occasionally visit his doctor to monitor his legs. Upon graduating university, he was still unable to walk.

Instead of becoming a professional footballer as he wished, the star had to get a normal job. He became a handicapped insurance consultant. The star was charming and effective at his job, but not quite what he had been before. His light became dimmer week by week. Not only that. The star gradually became bigger, looking more bloated. Changes were taking place left and right, until, one day, Salomon looked in the mirror and saw a humongous pig.

The star no longer existed, only a big slab of lard. Salmon was discontent. On the flip side, his legs were healing over the months. Eventually, Salomon could walk again. There was a problem though. As the boar walked out of the doctor’s office for the first time, the lard in his body weighed him down. Carrying this jiggling fat, Salomon’s hooves hurt horrendously.

FitBit Comes to the Rescue

It wasn’t long before the boar realized what he needed to do. He needed to lose weight. He happened to remember an advertisement he saw for an exercise watch. The watch is called a FitBit. Salomon purchased one online. He also bought a gym membership so that he could strength train. Salomon did his resistance training three to four times a week. Every day, after work, he walked on the treadmill for over an hour. On the weekends, he walked around his neighborhood, letting the fresh cool breeze pass through his face. He walked at least 10,000 steps per day, as indicated by his FitBit.

As the months went by, the boar noticed that he was losing body fat and gaining muscle. His hooves were turning into normal feet. His skin was losing its paleness and beginning to glow. Then, one day, Salomon looked in the mirror and the pig had disappeared. The star was satisfied. The star smiled, staring at his FitBit. He realized the investment he made.

Salomon is not alone. Since the beginning of the former decade, over 120 million FitBit devices have been sold. People all over the world love their FitBits. FitBit is a device that keeps track of one’s health metrics. Most people use them to track their steps and heart rate. A resting heart rate that is over 90 beats per minute is a sign of a serious health issue. Walking is an effective way to maintain the cardiovascular system. Health is essential to life.

If you care about your health, then you ought to invest in a FitBit. Say no to medical bills.

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