AirPods vs. Earbuds: Which is Better?

Starting in December of 2016, AirPods became available for customers to purchase online. What are AirPods? For those of you who are unaware, AirPods are designed to deliver sounds to your ears, just like earbuds and headphones. So what sets AirPods apart from the typical set of headphones or earbuds? The lack of wires. No AirPods, which are created by the technology company known as Apple, have wires. This is a selling point that Apple utilizes for the product to get customers to buy said product. The selling point proved to be effective. As of 2021, Apple generated over $12 billion in revenue from selling AirPods, selling over 150 million units of the electronic set.

Pros of Using AirPods

With the information above in mind, what are the pros and cons of using AirPods as opposed to regular earbuds? As implied already, the main advantage of using a set of AirPods is the missing wires. After you are finished using a set of AirPods, you never have to spend time tediously messing with said wires. You waste no time with the act of untangling. Or, alternatively, you waste no time trying to neatly tangle the wires, using rubber bands to hold them.

Another advantage of using AirPods over normal earbuds is that the former pairs seamlessly with multiple devices. If you own a pair of the latter, you probably noticed that the plug connected to the pair matches with only certain devices. For example, if a set of earbuds has a rectangular plug, it can connect to smartphones. On the other hand, if the plug is round, the buds can match with PCs. Due to this mechanical difference, you need to make sure you get the right one to suit your needs. You don’t want to go out on a jog only to find out that you grabbed the wrong ear buds by mistake. With AirPods, this sort of issue is nonexistent.

Cons of Using AirPods

Now, what are the cons of using AirPods as opposed to earbuds? One con of using the former is the comparative ease of losing them. Each AirPod is smaller than a single Cheetos puff. The same is true for earbuds; however, earbuds are attached to wires. If you are the type of person that is low in conscientiousness – you know, the type of person that is naturally disorganized and messy – then you are less likely to lose earbuds than you are AirPods. Technically, this is true for anyone, regardless of how meticulous they are at safe-keeping their belongings.

Another disadvantage of using AirPods is the fact that they need to be charged. Wired earbuds, on the other hand, never need to be charged. If you forget to fully charge AirPods, then you’ll be in for a surprise when the AirPods suddenly cut off the music or video you are listening to. For whatever reason, many people hate listening to their own thoughts. They always need stimulation from outside to feel comfortable. If you are one of these people, then it may be better for you to use earbuds.

Which is Better?

With all the above said, which one is better – AirPods or wired earbuds? It really depends on who you are and what your desires are. If you are a person with a low inclination toward losing items and you simply can’t stand the inconveniences of using wires, then you will most likely enjoy using the former more than the latter. In contrast, if you are prone to losing items and forgetting to maintain (e.g. charge) your devices, then you’ll most likely want to use the latter.