A Dog and His Toy

Boy Wants a Dog

One Saturday morning, at the beginning of a long, wonderful summer vacation away from the dreadfully dull dungeon called school, sits a curious young boy in front of a television in his house. With his eyes superglued to the screen, the boy gazes at the TV while his mother prepares his breakfast, and his father reads the news. After the mother places plates of food on the dining table, her sweet, soft voice calls the boy and his father. “Breakfast is ready.” Hungry, the boy walks to the table. On his plate lay some scrumptious scrambled eggs, two beautiful pieces of bacon, and a pile of fluffy pancakes. The family begins to eat their food.

Shortly after chewing his first few bits of food, the boy asks if the family can get a dog.

Mother: “Where did you get that idea from?”

Boy: “I saw this TV show called Clifford where there was a girl and a big red dog called Clifford.”

Mother: “What type of dog would you like, my dear?”

Boy: “How ‘bout a Golden Retriever?”

Father: “Young man, Golden Retrievers are active dogs. They need someone to play with it every day. Who’s going to spend time with it during the day when summer vacation is over?”

Boy: “Oh…”

Mother: “We can get a Bichon Frisé.”

Boy: “What’s that?”

Mother: “They are dogs that look like small poodles. I heard they are perfect for the indoors. They don’t bark as often as other dogs.”

Boy: “Sounds like a cool name to me! I want that!”

Mother: “If we get the dog, you’ll need to feed and train it. I don’t want a mess in this house.”

Boy: “Okay.”

Boy Meets a Puppy

On the following weekend, after playing with his neighborhood friends all day, the boy comes home and meets a new addition to the family – a bright white Bichon Frisé puppy. As soon as the innocent eyes of the puppy meet those of the boy, a special bond between man and dog is formed. With its short legs and petite paws, the puppy sprints to the boy faster than a lightning bolt strikes the ground. The puppy licks the boy gleefully. After the boy eats his dinner, the pup follows the boy to his room. They sleep together peacefully.

The next morning, the boy’s parents remind him that he ought to teach the dog how to behave in the house. They occasionally offer suggestions to assist the boy in rearing the dog. Whenever the dog eliminated waste in the house, the boy would force the dog to sniff the contents and send him outside. On the flip side, when the dog did its business outside, the boy would give him a treat. Within months the dog knew that his bathroom was the backyard grass. It also knew when to eat its meals and sleep.

Too Much Cotton

Months afterward, the dog turns one year of age and the boy decides to give it a present – a toy rooster filled with cotton. The dog falls in love with the stuffed animal. The dog never shares the toy with its master. It growls every time the boy tries to grab the toy from its mouth. Wary, the boy waits for the dog to finish wrestling the bird before grabbing said bird. For the most part, the boy does not mind this stinginess displayed by the dog. Within a few days, the dog manages to shred the toy. The boy must pick up the cotton on the floor per his parents’ expectation.

The boy provides the dog with another stuffed animal that is larger. He believes that the dog will have a more difficult time tearing the toy apart due to the toy’s size. This time, it takes longer for the dog to destroy the toy; about a week. Nevertheless, the toy now belongs in the trash. The boy becomes tired of scavenging the floor for random pieces of cotton to pick up. Later that day, he sees a commercial advertising another toy. This toy, unlike the two previous ones given to the dog, is made of plastic. It makes a squeaky sound when pressed. This is just what the boy needs.

Dog Ignores Drumstick

The boy asks his mother for the toy, which is a (chicken) drumstick. Once he receives the toy, the boy gives it to the dog. The dog is not satisfied, to say the least. Where is the fun, fuzzy cotton? Why does this toy feel hard when I chew on it? When will I get to chew that delicious cotton again? The dog stands there staring at the toy, while the boy stands there staring at the dog. The chicken leg lies on the floor with no interaction from the dog. The boy picks up the toy and puts it in a basket. After the ordeal, the boy and dog go to bed.

The next day, the boy wakes up in a refreshed mood. A motherly hymn reverberates up the stairs. “Breakfast is ready.” The boy brushes his teeth and comes down the stairs to the dining room table. The boy’s mother initiates a conversation.

Mother: “Sweetheart, I’ve noticed that Sammy hasn’t been playing with that toy drumstick I got from the pet store. Is everything okay?”

Boy: “Sammy doesn’t seem to like it. He only likes soft toys.”

Father: “Have you tried giving him a ball to play with?”

Boy: “You mean like a tennis ball? I haven’t thought of that.”

Father: “Perhaps Sammy will like a ball, then he may decide to move on from playing with soft toys once he gets used to playing with a ball.”

Boy: “Good idea!”

Dog Picks Up Drumstick

Following the suggestion posed by his father, the boy gives Sammy – the dog – a tennis ball. At first, Sammy is skeptical. He turns his head while looking at the small green furry sphere. Sammy touches the ball, then rolls it. Then he grabs it with his mouth. In no time, the dog begins to enjoy the ball. Days later, the dog finally picks up the drumstick from the basket on the floor. The boy gives the dog a hollow toy squirrel, which the dog has fun with.

Toys stuffed with cotton are the primary go-to for some dog owners; for others, such toys are a nuisance. If you are a dog owner, I suggest you buy what’s best for you and your family (including your dog, of course).